Who we are and what we do:

Water chemists with over 25 years field experience in areas as diverse as refining, cogeneration, data center, HVAC, food and beverage, institutional, municipal, marine, and more. 

Always looking for opportunities to improve and sustain our customers operation – this is our core philosophy.   Through use of the best available technology for a given application, our goal is to help maximize customer operational efficiency, and therefor bottom line.

Western Water Conservation is a licensee of WCTI, Inc. – offering a ground-breaking approach to cooling water treatment, allowing for safe operation at very high concentrations, with very little chemicals required.  We are experts at start-up and transition from a typical chemical feed and bleed program to high efficiency operation.  We are pioneers in the application of high TDS cooling water treatment in the Pacific Northwest, with 14 years of experience using all types of source water.  This truly is green technology – it doesn’t get any greener!

WCTI offers on-line, real-time monitoring of all of your tower and softener telemetry – including tower conductivity, pH, and corrosion rates, softener elution curves and regeneration history, water usage and system pressure, make-up water hardness and conductivity – all with historical graphs and programmable text alert/email alert alarms.  WCTI chemistry works very well with challenging make-up water sources including reclaimed water, high silica water and brackish water.

WWC is also a distributor of Odyssee amines.  This French company is rewriting the books on closed loop treatment using filming amine technology – particularly in cleaning up and passivating troubled systems.  This chemistry is extremely effective in most steam boiler applications as well.

We also offer complete traditional chemical boiler and cooling water treatment programs, suited to each operation.  We do wastewater treatment chemistry and equipment. We know water softeners inside and out.  We do chlorine dioxide and chlorine dioxide generators.  We sell membrane cleaners. We can provide cleaners and sanitizers of all types at a very reasonable price.

Western Water Conservation offers your operation unparalleled performance and monitoring, often vast water savings, as well as regular and professional personal service, whatever your need may be.